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GSA 5.2.11 Using Buidling Heigths, LoD1 / LoD2 Opengeodata (lower saxony / Germany), download and datasourcing

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi there

For several Questions to answer in relation to building heights, we would like to use free OpenGeodata, published by LGLN: https://opengeodata.lgln.niedersachsen.de/#lod1

I know, that GSA does not support 3D in general, but the heigth information would be great as integer, too.

Unfortunately, those data need to be download, in our case this would be aprox 2000 Files to Download.
There is an possibility to get an download_list as geojson (see attached file). I managed to load this list within QGIS (, just for taking a look, but that just leads to a number of download links again....and I do not have any skills with QGIS)

So: does anybody ever tried to mass-load those tiles from that site and use it as datasource for GSA? And if so: what type of datasource is choosen? (I guess, that download leads to several unique files (not a single one)....

If there is a better known free source, usable with GSA, please let me know, too

Edit: the attached file LOD1_tiles_cun.zip shows the needed tiles

Edit 2: One Step more: for testing purpose, I've manually downloaded 5 Tiles as 3D Shape (comes as *.zip), extracted them and created an new datasource (type ArcShape). This works so far, data are pretty readable but first, there is no shape geometry and second:


as you can see, each tile = single shape file means single BO.

In my case I would have to do this 1700 times... not very usefull, i guess....
Any Ideas for automation / simplification? (and making geometries useable within that format 3D Shape or City GML)


  • lgln-opengeodata-lod1.zip
    532 KB · Views: 0
  • LOD1_Tiles_cun.zip
    113.4 KB · Views: 0
  • LoD1_25725828_2_2020-12-17.zip
    1.6 MB · Views: 0
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