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GSA 5.2.8. Pro, finding cables within roads

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi there.

I have to find cables interacting with roads and need to sum up those cable - length in general or within a given area (like village or town)

Given sources are:
  1. the cables with a curve geometry
  2. the roads with a centreline, classified by attribute "Widmung" into "Kreisstraße", "Landesstraße" and/or "Bundesstraße"
  3. optional the areas (town / village / ...)
For the different classes of Roads I have to generate buffers:
  • Kreisstraßen.centreline.buffer = 7,5m
  • Landesstraßen.centreline.buffer = 9,5m
  • Bundesstraßen.centreline.buffer = 10,5m
as far as I know, there is no other option, as to split the roads - source into 3 different Buffer-Objects, output-filtered by "Widmung" like this:



this leads to 3 different types of areas, an example is shown below (with two types aof roads and a relevant cable)


For sum up the cablelength interacting those 3 buffer-types, I'm forced to do a triple action (verlauf interacting buffer 1, 2 and 3) and after that, there's the need to re-unite those intersections by using a calculated field.

Is there any possibility, to do something like this smarter???

Thanks in advance