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GSA Desktop Shortcuts


Spatial Eye
Confirmed GSA Customer
May 26, 2020
GSA Desktop shortcuts are keys or combination of keys to execute functions in an alternative and faster manner which you would typically do with your mouse.
These shortcuts are specific to GSA Desktop and can be combined with windows shortcuts like save, copy, paste etc. Though they are not a part of official documentation but are useful to anyone working with GSA desktop.

Ctrl+IChecks internal names
Ctrl+EOpens up expression dialogue
Ctrl+UAttribute visibility in a Business Object
Ctrl+SSave project file
Ctrl+ upward arrowMove attribute upward in the Business Object
Ctrl+ downward arrowMove attribute downward in the Business Object
Ctrl + cursorZoom in map
Shift + cursorPan map
Ctrl + Shift + cursorZoom out map
Ctrl + TOpen Logger
Ctrl + PPrint opened document
F1GSA online documentation
F5Refresh map
Alt + HomeGo to home map
Alt + right arrowNavigate to next page
Alt + left arrowNavigate to previous page
Ctrl + spaceInterrupt the refresh
Ctrl + OOpens a new or existing project
Ctrl + Shift + EWhen selecting one or multiple fields within a business collection, make a quick export file of fields and datatype
Ctrl + ASelect all
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