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GSA Lite 5.2.11 Analysis Map, making two different values clearly visible

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Maybe someone has good ideas for sth. like this:

There is an analytic object with some columns I want to make visible on the map.
first column is "status_value"

second on is the company:

I know, i could do this like this:

But no matter how I may design the styles for one or the other value, one information is not shown well enough for a quick overview.

Double the analysis (and split the map styles in "Status" and "Firma") would lead to double configuration and tasks (snapshots / tiles / exports...), so this would not be the desired solution.
Is there any other creative option to generate a "good" map or will there be a possibility in Lite in upcoming Versions, to deactivate the one or the other style?

thanks in advance !!