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GSA Pro 5.2.8, limiting data-sources (shape) by "trail" or something like that

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi there!

I've downloaded free shape files from here: https://opengeodata.lgln.niedersachsen.de/#bdlm
As you can see, those data covers lower-saxony completely.

By downloading those data, there is no option, to set a limit by region within.

The data itself doesnt contain any useable Information to use filters upon the BO tables:

Is there any easy way to filter those data within the business-object-layer, so that the amount of data can be reduced to a usefull size?

Frank Pistorius

Spatial Eye
Confirmed GSA Customer
May 26, 2020
Hi Björn,

There currently is no mechanism to restrict features from Shape files on feature source level.

There are a couple of possibilities to solve this:

  • Set a filter on each business collection
    For example, the below filter sets up an envelope (bounding box) and is used in a road's filter on the centreline field.

    Centreline.Within(Envelope(CS(3785),12690,6 840209, 16119, 6836578 ))

    This setup the envelope for Coordinate System 3785, but in your case you probably want to use a different CS (i.e. WGS84, which is 4326).

    The downside of this approach is that each access to the table will use this filter (dynamically, as you want), which of course comes with some overhead.

  • Export filtered collections to new Shape files
    Another way is to filter each collection by creating a trail and Browsing Within Selection.
    The resulting collection can then be exported from the result to an export format of choice (i.e. Shape).

    This then results in files that only have the data of interest in them, allowing to use that data more efficiently in subsequent/other projects.
Hope this helps in filtering your data for more efficient use.


Frank Pistorius

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi Frank

Sounds interessting, I will check out this asap. Thanks for your reply