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GSA Server 5.3.0. refreshing snapshots fails, restart?

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi all.
We do have an effect, that some objects are not actualized after running tasks (refresh snapshots). This effect appears form time to time and it's not clear, what circumstances are to blame.

Those tasks were configured for running daily, "run items in parallel" is turned off. The tasks itself does not show any errors after finishing

Does anybody have some suggestions, how to analyse such a problem?

A known workaround is, to restart the GSA server manually, but there is no plannend restart. Are there any suggestions, how often / when the GSA Server should be restartet and if so: Are there any possibiltiies, to manage the restart dynamicly after finishing the last Group schedule?

Patrick van Dijk

Spatial Eye
Confirmed GSA Customer
May 26, 2020
Hi Björn,

Where is the data coming from, e.g. which feature source?
Could it be the underlying table has changed in shape? e.g. missing field, different data type?
Is there any error in the log when snapshots are refreshed?
Which version of GSA Server are you using?

Perhaps log this as a ticket.



Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Hi Björn,

Where is the data coming from, e.g. which feature source?
Could it be the underlying table has changed in shape? e.g. missing field, different data type?
Is there any error in the log when snapshots are refreshed?
Which version of GSA Server are you using?

Perhaps log this as a ticket.


The problem occurs on GIS based Objects "LWL Versorgungsgebiet" (maybe on others too, but I didn't recognized that yet), where areas are changed in GIS. Those Objects collecting several Informations by geometrical interaction (i.e. Buildings within area, tubes / cables intersecting area, HouseConnects in area and so on) Some of those are GIS, too, some are oracle based.

The problem in GSA is, that those Areas weren't updated from time to time

I've tried to describe this as an Ticket previously, but it was not specific enough and I do not know, how to reproduce this problem properly for a better description

GSA Server is

Maybe I don't know all circumstances, where it is recommended to restart the server. (i.e. after a project-change, what would be clear)

Björn Schaefer

Confirmed GSA Customer
Oct 26, 2020
Update to this:
Since we enabled a windows system task to restart GSA Server prior to scheduled GSA Task (i.e. refresh snapshots), the problem disappaered almost completely

Example: win task (restart service) at 6pm, GSA scheduled task starts at 7pm